Winning the Mind Game

 “In the big leagues everyone has ability. It always comes down to mind games. Whoever is more mentally strong-wins.” — Muhammad Ali
It’s no secret the mental side of the game is just as important as the physical side. One could even argue more important; for without the will, correct attitude and perseverance nothing on earth would ever be accomplished – including winning a basketball game. So why not prioritise winning the mind game first?
Too often athletes consistently lose the little battles in their minds and, sadly, never reach their full potential. The issues behind their lack of ability all revolve around things like identity, confidence, a growth mindset, controlling the controllables and patience in the process; all battles that begin and end in the mind. Unfortunately, many athletes who can’t win those battles end up losing the big one and giving up completely. There’s no getting around it; in order to become great, you must fall in love with the process of becoming great. And that’s my mission – to help you fall in love with that process.
Years ago, someone helped me do just that and I’m still falling to this day.
Your basketball journey is exactly that – a journey. Come along the journey with me and, together, we’ll unveil and conquer the lies in your head in order to discover what winning the mind game really looks like.

Fall in Love with the Process Not The Praise

The Process of Becoming Great (Pt.4) We have talked a lot about what it takes to fall in love with the process of becoming great – setting goals, accountability, knowing your identity, but there are a few other components of this process that are extremely important to understand: competing rather than comparing, controlling the controllables, […]

Fall in Love with the Process Not The Praise Read More »

What To Do If You Didn’t Make the Team (or Get The Coach) You Wanted

And How to Ensure Things Turn Out Best for You! In Australia, club ball permits 4, (sometimes 5) total teams (or divisions) per age group. In American high school basketball, it’s similar in that you have C-Team (Freshman), JV (Junior Varsity) and Varsity. And generally speaking, we all know the better the level, the better

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