Fall in Love with the Process Not The Praise

The Process of Becoming Great (Pt.4)

We have talked a lot about what it takes to fall in love with the process of becoming great – setting goals, accountability, knowing your identity, but there are a few other components of this process that are extremely important to understand: competing rather than comparing, controlling the controllables, having a growth mindset, denying the need of instant gratification and the reality of the confetti moment.

Fall in Love with Competing Not Comparing

Is basketball all about winning for you?

Well, just know this – there will always be a winner and a loser. So, if it’s all about winning, be prepared for an emotional rollercoaster. 

That’s how it goes for anyone who is deeply competitive, so I am not saying to not be competitive -definitely not.

squiggly line with sad stick man representing emotional rollercoaster basketball mind; straight line with content stick man tossing a basketball representing a basketball mind in love with the process
Never get too high or too low - keep a level head.

But becoming great includes a lot of highs and lows, moments of pride and disappointment, and when it’s more about the process than it is about winning, you learn to embrace them both. And you also learn not to compare your journey to anyone else’s.

Controlling the Controllables Helps You Fall in Love with the Process

A basketball journey will always include things and people we can’t control – teammates, coaches, injuries, wins and losses and even awards… but if you look through the lens of your values and fall in love with the process, the things that don’t go your way will go from being obstacles to opportunities.

Some things you can control are your mindset, your effort, your attitude, your work ethic and work rate, your leadership, your accountability, humility and coachability and your willingness to be a great teammate.

Control the controllables and you will surely fall in love with the process.

*If you haven’t yet, I highly recommend reading Jon Gordon’s 21 Ways to Be a Great Teammate.

A Growth Mindset Helps You Fall in Love with the Process

Is it all about perfection and being the most talented player on the court for you? 

Just like there is always a winner and a loser, there is always someone better than you. Like we spoke about in Part 3 of this series – if you get caught up in being the best now, you will lose sight of the process and the progress you have made and are making every day.

The second you lose sight of that progress and latch onto perfection, you put your “growth mindset” at risk.

Stick man standing next to a ruler measurement and questioning how would you rate your growth mindset on a scale from one to ten?

 Your growth mindset is what keeps you pushing; keeps you coachable; keeps you positive and happy to continue to put in the work no matter what the results are. You understand that you are constantly growing and the results will come. Your growth mindset is what helps you fall in love with the process.

So, remember consistency is much more powerful than perfection. Your shots aren’t going in today? Oh well – don’t let a bad attitude impact your training and don’t let discouragement keep you from coming back and trying again tomorrow. Fall in love with the process by choosing progress over perfection.

Fall in Love with the Process Not the Instant Gratification

In his speech to the 2016 Iowa State University football team, Coach Matt Campbell speaks powerfully about the importance of consistency when it comes to falling in love with the process of becoming great.

Campbell points out how countercultural it is these days to stick with the process and be consistent because we’re so inclined to instant gratification. But eventually, “the process will love you back”. 

All you have to do, Campbell says, is “be ready for your opportunity when it’s ready to love you back”.

The road to greatness can be “a dark and lonely road”, Campbell continues. But “stay the course” and the “confetti will come down”. 

clock with confetti

Fall in Love with the Process Not the Confetti Moment

I have to add that some people who reach their confetti moment, don’t actually feel fulfilled. And sometimes the journey may not even end with the type of confetti we imagine (there is always a loser, right?). Regardless, that is exactly why it’s so important to fall in love with the process. 

You know, it’s like the whole, “it’s about the journey, not the destination” idea. But it’s true. When we really fall in love with the process of becoming great, we may just end up redefining that destination – what greatness really looks like. 

Even still – when we really fall in love with the process of becoming great, we may end up valuing the greatness inside of us more than the label of greatness the world could ever place on us.

This is why we have to fall in love with the process of becoming great – not the praises of being great. Know the difference and you’ll be just fine.

I hope you enjoyed this four-part series on The Process of Becoming Great. Be sure to let me know what you think in the comments below or reach out any time via Instagram/Facebook! I’d love to hear from you and how falling in love with the process is going for you!

– Your Pro Ball Buddy 🧡

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2 thoughts on “Fall in Love with the Process Not The Praise”

  1. Pingback: Setting Goals for Basketball - Pro Ball Buddy

  2. Pingback: Accountability in Basketball - Pro Ball Buddy

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