My Journal

Monday, 16 September 2024

Wow, what a week! Truthfully, it’s been quite a rollercoaster and even today I felt like I was just overflowing with gratitude to the point of happy tears, but there have been some unhappy tears this week too.

First off, I can’t even believe it, but we celebrated one full year of Pro Ball Buddy on the 10th! I mean that is just crazy that a whole year has gone by. I shared in IG that I wasn’t feeling super happy about it because I really don’t think I have done enough, buuuut upon reflection I am willing to admit I have certainly done a lot! 

The thing about starting a business is you know it won’t be easy, but you really don’t know half of what goes into it – the groundwork; the foundation; all the behind the scenes; noone really talks about it. Probably, a) because it can be boring, but also b.) because it is a lot of time you don’t want to spend mulling over any further by talking about it – it’s just on to the next step so we can get to the fun part. I mean, that’s how I feel at least haha… 

But truly, you just don’t know what you don’t know and that is why you really just have to jump in and start. I’m so glad I started when I did, because a) learning in real time is usually the best way to learn and b) ya’ll wouldn’t even know PBB existed on my heart until now? Or even later? I just couldn’t hold it inside of me for that long!!

Anyway, so I was feeling emotional about all the above (not to mention, one of those business tasks turning into a bigger deal than it needs to be, just adding to the stress) only to find out mother nature came knocking on my door the very next day, unsummoned because it is not supposed to be that time of month for me. But it’s always nice to know I’m not going crazy!!

And all the ladies out there know what the rest of the week entailed for me – never a fun time; especially with my hormones forcing me to have the oddest sleeping hours – up at 2:30am on Thursday morning and then asleep at 1:30am on Friday night! But I will say, all the “shoulda been sleeping hours” were soooo productive. I even believe I’ve had a breakthrough with how to serve ya’ll better! Which is so exciting!

Meanwhile, I’ve been seeing dr’s and physio’s and chiros inbetween all my workouts and getting all the things done that I know I just won’t have the time or the capacity for once Lynx season begins this Wednesday (including registering for a WA driver’s license!)! So there’s highs and lows and checking things off the year long to-do list just simply in all of that aaaand…

My hip has been acting up all the way since the end of NBL1 season over a month ago and just toward the end of this week it’s actually been feeling the best it’s felt ever since – praise the Lord!

What did I tell ya? Welcome to my emotional rollercoaster ride of a life! Don’t ever doubt it – God is good all the time and you’ll always catch me dancing in the rain (bc the rain hides the tears, duh! ;)!

Saturday, 7 September 2024

Margaret River was so wonderful! Thanks for following along if you were hanging out in my IG stories! I must admit, I cannot believe we haven’t been down within the 3 years we’ve lived in Perth – wow! How spoiled are we Western Australians?! We truly do not even realize how good we have it here!! The spectacular views are just never ending!

Probably one of my favorite memories was going canoeing with David and my parents. I must also admit that I was very much confident up until actually being in the canoe! It was hysterical though and I did eventually get a hang of it; so much so, David and I created an obstacle course for ourselves down the river! But my oh my, any time I need a laugh I will only need to look at that initial moment of being on the water which my mom so kindly caught on camera!

The other favorite part of the trip would have to be the final Monday David and I spent playing games and laughing about in the big green yard of our AirBnB! It was the perfect weather and we got the sun on our skin while playing Tetherball and Quiots and watched the sun go down while sitting on our favorite seat of the trip – the chair swing! Then we went to dinner in the last of the sun, which was just a magical car drive because of the animals rummaging the rolling green hills next to the silhouette of the trees against a golden sky! 

THEN we came home to the most star-filled sky you have ever seen! Despite our vain efforts to make a fire that night, we still enjoyed basking in the starlight.

If I learned anything from this trip it is that David and I have a significant appreciation for the outdoors – ugh the Quininup Waterfall was stunning too! Maybe it’s because the indoors are so prominently featured in our profession of basketball, or maybe it’s because it feels a little bit closer to heaven, but man I do believe we all would do well with just a little bit more sunshine every day! And it shouldn’t take a holiday to get us there.

Have you gone outside today? 🙂

Sunday, 25 August 2024

Phew – nothing quite like the come back game! The game I’m referring to is the jumping-back-into-workouts game! I started out the week super motivated, as I mentioned I felt last week and definitely feel proud with my output. 

However, being as sore as I was on Wednesday is never fun. But challenging yourself and getting back into that mentality of hard work is really fun to me. I actually think I would love to be a bodybuilder one day – I love the gym that much! 

I will admit, the on court stuff hasn’t been the easiest simply because David (ie. husband and personal basketball trainer) has been taking a mental break from the game himself. Having a trainer makes such a big difference in workouts, but I do think I made the most of my time on the court.

We have actually been sharing one car between the two of us for the past week and a half, and my Monday plans were a bit ruined because I forgot this minor detail upon creating my itinerary for the day. No zero days though – I just stayed later to get a few shots up after my coaching sessions that night. Definitely would not be my favorite thing to do normally, but you gotta do what you gotta do sometimes!

On Thursday, I ended up having a jam packed day (gym, coffee date with a friend, massage, dinner with David and parents) and realized heading into it that I would not be able to fit basketball in (remember – one car between me and David and y’all, sweating as much as I do is half the issue – so annoying to have to fit in showering 3 times a day! lol) Anyway, that’s why I decided I would fit in a court session today – 7:30am at Land Performance Centre this morning!

I love the shooting gun – once you get going it can be so addicting!

Mondays actions were ensuring I had no zero days.

Moving Thursday’s court session to Sunday was ensuring I shot on the amount of days I said I would.

No excuses. 

Except when you go to Margaret River…. Lol. 😉 Can’t wait to tell you all about it!

Saturday, 17 August 2024

Well, it’s been two weeks since we got knocked out of the NBL1 West Finals and I have spent the last two weeks trying to recover from being sick.

I believe I had some sort of influenza because I had the full on sweats, chills, body aches on top of all the normal cold symptoms – congestion and coughing. Not how anyone wants to spend their off days, but someone asked me today if it was a good thing to be able to have the time to stay home and recover and that question actually made me realize how grateful I should be.

Because yes, I would be so much more upset if I had taken the necessary two weeks off from workouts after a season ends only to get sick the following week – that would actually be so tragic! Like, no – I wouldn’t allow myself to take off. At least, I would know that it would be very bad for my basketball off-season development.

So tonight we are grateful. Grateful for how productive the last 3 days have been at least – despite the congestion and cough still lingering – how much education I’ve been able to put in towards building Pro Ball Buddy and how motivated I am feeling entering the week ahead.

Never underestimate the power of time off. It will do your basketball journey so so much good in the long run!

Saturday, 10 August 2024

To be (happy), or not to be (happy)? That is the question…

Today was the NBL1 West Grand Final with Rockingham defeating Cockburn and officially becoming the 2024 NBL1 West Champions.

On the men’s side, I just saw that Mandurah also won… which is super depressing, but I can’t get into that one.

I say “also”, because both my team and David’s Joondalup team lost to the now reigning champs. And they often say it’s good to be able to claim that you lost to the Champion, but neither of us are feeling particularly good about it right now.

So why question being happy? Well, there is a part of me that is happy for my ex-teammates and coach over at Rockingham. So happy for them because I’ve got big love for them all. But in the same breath… man… we almost beat them. And that is heartbreaking.

We didn’t get our fairy tail ending, but here’s a Team Morrell storyline for you:

Lakeside went into overtime in the Semi-final against Rockingham at the scoreline of 80 to 80.

Joondalup went into overtime in the Semi-final against Mandurah at the scoreline of 80 to 80.

Both Rockingham and Mandurah went on to win the NBL1 West Grand Final.


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